腳本庫(Scripts Pool)


這是 Lazyscritps 對客製化腳本儲存媒介的最基本要求。我們得承認,Linux 並不完美,當安裝完後,並不像童話故事中的王子公主,從此過者美麗的生活,而是無盡調整的煩躁。

官方腳本庫(Scritps Pool)

要讓 Lazyscritps 支援不同的 Linux 發行版本很簡單,只要換掉腳本庫(Scritps Pool)就好了,但前題是有人負責創建維護,各位有志之士,請拿出你的熱血來吧!!


自訂腳本庫(Scritps Pool)



你必須知道如何使用git,並且建議使用 gitk 來觀察分支情形。這邊以 Ezgo 腳本庫為例:

  1. create empty repo

    user@host$ mkdir lz_scriptspool_edu
    user@host$ cd lz_scriptspool_edu
    user@host$ git init
  2. add oringinal repo url

    user@host$ git repo add origin git@github.com:hychen/lazyscripts_pool_debian_ubuntu_edu.git
  3. add new upstream repo url

    user@host$ git repo add upstream git://github.com/billy3321/lazyscripts_pool_debian_ubuntu.git
  4. fetch

    user@host$ git fetch upstream
  5. checkout

    user@host$ git checkout upstream/stable -b master
  6. work

  7. commit and push back to remote git repository

    user@host$ git commit -a
    user@host$ git push master origin

與上游腳本庫(Scripts Pool)同步

  1. Fetching upstream git index

    user@host$ git fetch upstream
  2. Merge or Rebase

    user@host$ git merge upstream/stable
  3. Push back to remote git repository:

    user@host$ git push master origin

產生Scripts List

  1. add repo url to lazyscritps

    # put new repo url to this file.
    user@host$ vi conf/repository.conf
    user@host$ cat conf/repository.conf
  2. build scripts list

    user@host$ ./bin/slzs list build git://github.com/hychen/lazyscripts_pool_debian_ubuntu_edu.git
  3. edit scripts list to set default selected scripts.

    user@host$ ./devtools/scriptslist_editor.py
  4. commit and put scripts.list to repository.